Not so zen.

Today I almost walked out of yoga at the midpoint of class. I usually practice twice a week, I love one class. It’s slow-paced, focuses on stretching, follows the same basic routine every class, and I leave feeling refreshed and like I’ve done something good for myself. This was not that class. This class is much harder. There are contortionists in it. I find myself stepping out of the flow to do my own thing and look around and wonder how people make their limbs bend that way. I sway, I fall, I feel bound by the impact of years of running on my body. Today my limitations hijacked my mind. I started to question why I put myself through this torture. I finally realized that I need to take the advice that I give my clients when they’re trying to grow in new directions:

  1. Have a clear view of where you want to go. I want to stay fit and be able to be active for many more years.

  2. Understand why this activity is important to reaching your goal. Focusing on posture and balance and alignment will strengthen my weak areas and minimize injuries and let me do the activities that I love.

  3. Realize that you won’t be the best at everything you try right away but that you’ll improve with effort. I’m crazy competitive. For me yoga is a continually humbling reminder that I can’t jump right to the advanced poses. I do have many days where I master something new and see growth. Not every day however. Not today.

  4. Understand how the new fits into your existing world. I think of yoga as diversifying my portfolio. I gravitate toward activities that involve running or riding a bike for hours, things I can power through.

  5. Realize your existing skills may not be enough and you might need to practice new skills. You may need a teacher. I'm good at powering through. Yoga is not about powering through. Pushing harder will not make you better. Breathing will. I need to practice breathing. And keep finding teachers. 


Getting the word out.


A change communication checklist.